this is some dummy text nobody will see because it is being blocked by two feet and some flowers.
the pinguin, 25th year of filling up space in petaling jaya, malaysia.

a mutant, ping accumulates powerful amounts of "bad luck", and spreads it to anyone within a ten-foot radius of her.


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cute overload
waiter rant

she needs to start bookmarking more sites.

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  • Sunday, October 29
    this is a tale of someone who got lucky.

    I first got to know JD a few years back, through a cousin. We hit it off and became great friends just about right away, because we had so much in common, and could talk for hours on end. Back then, he was single, I was not. I was perfectly happy with my SO, and it felt good to have such a supportive buddy at my side.

    A year later, my boyfriend moved overseas. It was hard, but we mutually agreed to end the relationship. JD was there to offer his shoulder, to listen to my woes, and made me feel better again.

    I still thought of him as one of the greatest friends I had, and nothing more.

    It was only when I came down with a bad fever much later, and he stopped by with takeaway food with books and dvds after he got off work, for the three evenings I was sick. I didn't even have to ask, he did it out of his own intention.

    And at that moment I started to realise, Hey... he's a keeper.

    As the weeks passed, I felt more drawn to him. I loved how optimistic he was; how caring he was, how he seemed to know how to make people around him feel good. And no matter how busy he was, he always seemed to be able to make time for me.

    So today, I called him out for a casual lunch. We've had many meals together, but this time it would be different. I had to tell him how I felt.

    I was anxious and excited. Prior to the date, I kept rehearsing ways to reveal my feelings to him. Running the words through my head again and again. JD, you mean a lot to me. JD, you're really special.

    We went out for lunch. Strangely, just like me, he seemed rather nervous and edgy. We weren't our usual selves that afternoon.

    Lunch, then an after-meal drink in Starbucks.

    This is the time.

    I opened my mouth to speak, but then he beat me to it.

    "Ping.. you know I can tell you anything, right?"

    My heart stopped. Did he.. did he feel the same way I did about him? Was he going make the first move?

    "What is it?" I asked, trying not to sound breathless. I was already blushing with excitement.

    He looked at me full in the eyes, and smiled. He always had a radiant smile.

    "I've been seeing this girl, ex-schoolmate. I kinda well.. like her. A couple days ago.... we went out, and then came back to my place.... and somehow things just went.. well, you know... you know?"

    He chuckled in embarrassment. "Yeah... after that we sorta made it official. I just... never felt like this before. After all this time... it's nice to finally be able to be with someone."

    I sat there with my mouth open, not able to comprehend what he had just said. Staying over? You know? Did they have... ohgoditcan'tbe nonono.

    JD smiled warmly, completely oblivious to the fact that my insides had just spontaneously combusted. "I had to tell you. I thought you'd like to be one of the first to know."

    I wanted to scream at him. You slept with a girl before you got together? What kind of self-control do you have? What kind of girl is she, submitting so soon? Why do you want someone like her? You should have waited for me! ME! ME!

    Then I remembered. JD had always stood by me through thick and thin. He never yelled at me for all the stupid things I did. He was always supportive of my choices no matter what I decided to do.

    So I gathered together my wits, pieces of my shattered heart, and uttered the first words that came to my mind.

    "Haha, cool!"

    I, dumbass.

    And thus ends the tale of a possibility that would never be.

    If I wasn't hurting this damn bad, I would actually have found this whole thing funny. :(

    At 10:44 AM, Blogger liss said...

    in a way you're still lucky to have such a great friend by your side.

    shit happens?

    it's a brand new day. i hope you feel better=]

    At 4:42 PM, Anonymous unique FONT said...

    hello! how are you?
    warm greeting for your family 0_0


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