this is some dummy text nobody will see because it is being blocked by two feet and some flowers.
the pinguin, 25th year of filling up space in petaling jaya, malaysia.

a mutant, ping accumulates powerful amounts of "bad luck", and spreads it to anyone within a ten-foot radius of her.


linky links
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waiter rant

she needs to start bookmarking more sites.

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  • Saturday, September 13
    sunsets are nice.

    Christi has got the 'flu something terrible. I think she got it from me. Maybe I shouldn't have called her out for a yamcha session in Pyramid last night. Told her to keep away from my side of the table, but she kept creeping over anyway. Stubborn lar! Stubborn lar!

    Took a run around the neighbourhood this evening, as thought the fresh air might do the 'flu some good. I don't know why, but somehow during the sunset, the neighbourhood turns all quiet and serene, and the wind drops. Everything is so still and beautiful, and as you watch the reddish-orange sunlight spread over the horizon, you get this sort of calm feeling. Sunsets are really the best time of the day, for me.

    Would have brought along a digicam to capture the moment, but didn't want to increase my chances of getting mugged.


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