this is some dummy text nobody will see because it is being blocked by two feet and some flowers.
the pinguin, 25th year of filling up space in petaling jaya, malaysia.

a mutant, ping accumulates powerful amounts of "bad luck", and spreads it to anyone within a ten-foot radius of her.


linky links
cute overload
waiter rant

she needs to start bookmarking more sites.

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  • Wednesday, September 10

    I was queuing up at the post office to pay some bills when this sweet little old lady with a walking stick came up to me and asked if she could cut in the line before me. Seeing her frail and delicate form, I smiled, nodded, and gave way for her.

    Almost instantly, she turned and summoned her whole bunch of cohorts over from the back of the queue, to which they happily bustled over and stepped in the line before me. There must've been about 5 or 6 of them altogether.

    I'd been tricked! By a little old lady!

    Received quite a few dirty looks from people behind me as our turns were pushed further back, but what could I do??


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